
971124人間菩提英文版The Pressing Hunger Crisis in Zimbabwe

The Pressing Hunger Crisis in Zimbabwe
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See what hardship people in Zimbabwe are enduring

(The U.N. estimates that)

45 percent of Zimbabwe's population

(will require food assistance by early 2009)

Some go as long as 3 or 4 days without eating anything solid while some survive on roots from edible plants and trees or wild fruits that have dried up or rotted

Look at the ordeal they are going through Zimbabwe used to be South Africa's food basket, yet, because of political strife.

(and the controversial land reforms,)

(the experienced farmers didn't have land to farm)

Hence, agricultural production has fallen considerably.

On top of that, severe drought also contributed to poor harvests, eventually leading to today's hyperinflation and the severe economic slowdown of the country.

Now the Zimbabwean dollar truly has very little value.

In July 2007, Mr, Cai, a Taiwanese businessman in Zimbabwe, came back to Taiwan.

He came to know about Tzu Chi through Da Ai TV.

Later, he came to Hualien and described to me what an impoverished life the Zimbabweans lead.

At the time, Mr. Huang, CEO of Global Affairs, was also at the Abode.

Hearing what Mr. Cai said, last November, he went to Zimbabwe with our volunteers in South Africa to survey the living conditions of the local people and see how hard their life actually is.

They went and saw that the locals are truly living in great hardship.

Our volunteers from South Africa already feel that the poverty in South Africa is bad enough as it is.

But when they arrived at Zimbabwe and saw the locals living conditions they witnessed even greater poverty.

The hyperinflation is truly horrifying and unbelievable

Why has the inflation rate surged so rapidly with no end in sight?

For example, a teacher's monthly salary is not enough to buy half a loaf of bread.

So, the local teachers would rather stay at home than go to school to teach.

Think about how serious the situation is.

Now, not only are food and commodity prices increasing because of surging inflation rates.

There is also a shortage of food and commodities.

Nevertheless, Mr. Cai and the other local businesspeople in Zimbabwe from Taiwan and China still managed to hold a large-scale aid distribution in November 2007.

They planned to hold another large-scale aid distribution a year after the first one.

However, with Zimbabwe being so short of food where were they to buy relief supplies?

So, they began storing up on supplies from the middle of this year.

For instance, they bought however much cornmeal.

(they could afford and was available) and stored it up bit by bit.

But recently, even with money, one cannot necessarily get cornmeal.

It's also very difficult to buy cooking oil.

So, they'd take empty oil containers with them.

(to whichever factories they heard produced oil,)

And buy it there and accumulate it in a big barrel bit by bit.

It was very difficult to collect 1,000 liters of oil they needed for the distribution event.

So, they bought. stored and gathered things up bit by bit over several months.

Can we imagine what hard work it must have been?

Can we imagine how many trips they had to make just together enough oil to fill half a bottle?

What hard work it was.

Likewise, we don't know how many trips or purchases they had to make to collect enough cornmeal to fill a bag.

But, that was how they purchased and accumulated supplies to be given out to the poor.

See, even with money, you can't buy what you want not to mention the fact the locals are poor.

Even the local businesspeople from Taiwan and China have also been affected.

But every one of them worked very hard.

(to overcome the difficulties they encountered) because all they had in mind was to carry out Tzu Chi's mission of love there.

See how they purchased and accumulated the supplies bit by bit until there was enough to give out to those in need.

Despite the hardship, they did it willingly.

They didn't mind the trouble, they had to go through.

All they wanted was to help these people in need.

Seeing that my heart goes out to them

They are not rich themselves as the whole country is poor and in short supply of food and basic commodities.

On top of that, there is also the issue of hyperinflation.

It is truly very worrying.

See how our volunteers worked so hard and endured such hardship just to accumulate supplies to give to those in need.

Seeing that, now could I possibly not be moved?

They spent over six months purchasing and accumulating these supplies bit by bit until they had enough to give out to over 700 families at the aid distribution from Nov.7 to 9.

These supplies did not come easily.

The supplies that our volunteers gave to each family was worth around US$10.

Just US$10 provides so many supplies for a family to get by for a month.

How can we still continue to be wasteful?

We should encourage people to lead a frugal life.

If everyone in the family can practice frugality and be more diligent people will not be lacking in anything and ten society will be well-to-do.

So, we must not be wasteful and indulge ourselves in luxury.

Seeing so many people living in suffering, I feel so much pain and anguish.

What can we do to help them?

The locals are all very kind and good-natured and they accept their lot without resentment.

Before our volunteers went to give out supplies, I kept reminding them to be careful as the locals have been starving for some time and when they see the supplies.

(they might fight with each other for it)

But, the locals were very peaceful at the distribution and lined up in an orderly manner to receive the supplies.

It was very moving to see.

I am very grateful to our volunteers in South Africa for going to Zimbabwe to help this time.

I must also thank the local businesspeople from Taiwan and China for working together to overcome all difficulties to purchase the supplies.

What they have done is truly not an easy feat.

Seeing the hardship people in Zimbabwe are enduring, our hearts go out to them.

How are we to bring aid to people living on that land.

(that is in dire need of help?)

How are we to help so many people in suffering?

I am confident that as long as there are more loving people joining together bringing aid to the suffering will not be hard.



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證嚴上人開示:克勤、克儉、克難,也要承擔起了 慈濟的愛心,晴天要積雨時糧,我們以前的人所說的,我們現在的生活平平安安,也應該要提高警覺不要透支的浪費。






人間菩提英文版"刊登網站: http://master-dharma.blogspot.com/



Regards, Jenny
Today's Jing Si Aphorisms: Let our state of mind always remain positive no matter what we hear.

















































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