
971102人間菩提英文版 Building a Future of Hope in Myanmar


 Building a Future of Hope in Myanmar

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"He said that in his entire life he has never met such a kind person before."

"So, he made a wish--- his wish is to give back."

"So, when he saw me"

"he quickly gave me some money as a donation"

"After the disaster, Tzu Chi came to help us"

"giving us fertilizer"

"So, we'll have a good harvest"

"Then, I can help other people, just like the way Dharma Master Cheng Yen does I donate this money from the bottom of my heart."

Every day can become an important day in history.

Today is November 2.

On May 2, six months ago today a cyclone hit Myanmar causing great devastation to that country.

It was heartrending to see what happened.

Putting ourselves in their shoes

(how were they to survive after the disaster?"

So, right after the disaster, Tzu Chi volunteers quickly went to Myanmar to help the disaster victims.

The volunteers found that the local people had a very pure and good heart.

They could not change their circumstances, so they accepted it all with a positive attitude.

What hope did they have?

They didn't even know where their next meal was to come from. Such was

(the extent of their hardship)

We provided them rice and supplies.

Just for that, they were very grateful.

At the time of the aid distribution, it was raining.

Look at the conditions they lived in.

Without a proper roof, the rain easily got inside and made the ground very muddy.

How was one to live in such conditions?

Our hearts really went out to them.

Because Tzu Chi volunteers went there to experience what they experience.

Our compassion for them grew.

The more we saw the more deeply we felt for them as we took the paths they took and saw the conditions they lived in.

As a result, we resolved to build houses for them.

(But, to build houses for the cyclone victims)

We needed the government's permission and also needed to work with its various agencies.

I'm very grateful to our volunteers from Malaysia for taking on this responsibility.

Tomorrow will be the groundbreaking ceremony for the village we are building.

There will be people from five countries there and at least 700 people will be attending.

We'll be building around 700 houses so that the cyclone victims can have a safe home to live in.

In designing the houses and building a village for them.

We need to make sure that the houses.

(are suitable for the local area)

Because most people in the area live in.

(very simple houses)

The houses we build them cannot be too fancy.

But it has to withstand the wind and rain.

So, we decided to build them brick houses.

There, brick houses are considered very good houses.

Few get to live in brick houses.

Since we want to give them a safe house the house will be taller and will be elevated from the ground.

The house is only 33 sq. meters (360 sq. feet) but there's second floor in the house.

So, there's another 33 sq. meters (360 sq. feet) at the second floor.

Totaling 66 sq. meters (720 sq. feet)

The restroom is in a separate place outside the house.

(so they can have more space inside)

The kitchen is also outside the house as well.

The compartment next to the house serves as the cooking place.

That was the sample house they showed me.

However, I suggested a few improvements.

So the final house will be even better than the sample house.

"I'm a Buddhist"

"I was already thinking of helping people."

"not only physically"

"but also materially as well"

"I want to help Tzu Chi build a safe and sturdy house."

"Therefore, the houses that we're going to build will probably be the best ones in the area."

Tomorrow, we'll be holding to groundbreaking ceremony for the village.

Actually, today is the groundbreaking ceremony for one of the schools we are building.

The teachers, students, and parents are all very grateful for this.

Since September, the teachers have been learning Tzu Chi songs with sign language.

So that they can give a performance at today's ceremony.

(They've practiced very hard) to be in perfect unison.

It is a gesture to show their appreciation and hopes for the school Tzu Chi will build them.

There is also a local businesswoman who was very moved.

She owns a relatively large women's clothing store.

She was very moved by Tzu Chi's work and decided to close her store for seven days to help with Tzu Chi's aid project.

She also had her employees join her as well as learn sign language to Tzu Chi's songs.

After participating in a few of our distributions, her employees changed.

Before, when the customers who came to their store were especially hard to please, her employees wouldn't be nice to them.

However, after volunteering with Tzu Chi, they've learned to speak nicely and kindly and be more patient.

After volunteering with Tzu Chi, I've changed a lot.

(The customers sometimes give us a hard time.)
But I don't get mad at them and can still treat them courteously, with a smile.

Look at the great impact Tzu Chi is having there.

Be it government officials, businesspeople. store owners. employees, or teachers everyone gives of themselves enthusiastically.

Even the poor have adopted coin banks and are making donations.

Store owners are doing that that, too.

They al know that this was how Tzu Chi began and so, everyone is willing to emulate that practice and spirit.

This makes me most happy.

Myanmar is a predominantly Buddhist country.

Some Buddhist monks are now joining us in our work.

(and starting to walk the Bodhisattva Path)
which is about going out into the community to reach out to people in need.

Seeing people becoming inspired to help others truly makes me very happy.

But there's one thing that worries me---the rice harvest.

Just as it was about time for the farmers to harvest the rice……

Those who harvested early had gotten a plentiful harvest.

With the rice seeds and fertilizer we gave them.

Their harvest was double their usual amount.

But, the majority of the rice crops have yet to be harvested.

A few days ago, it kept raining, and everyone prayed for the rain to stop.

We heard that the rain stopped yesterday and last night.

There was only a light drizzle.

I hear that right now, it's not raining there.

I do hope the rain won't start again.

So that they can truly get a good and plentiful harvest.

Having helped them, it really makes us happy to see their abundant harvest.

But we pray that the weather will continue o cooperate.

So, we must pray for them.

People have helped them, but they also need the weather to help them.

Of course, they need to help themselves, too.

Today is the groundbreaking for our school.

As for the permanent housing for 700 families the plan is to finish building the 700 plus houses within a year.

We hope that they will soon have a home they can live stably in and that the children can soon have a school they can learn safely in.

This is thanks to everyone's efforts.

We see the fruits of everyone's contributions to the aid project.

I hope that by May 2 of next year, we can see them moving into the Tzu Chi village.

We also hope that a year from now, we can also see the completion of he school.

In all, I'm truly grateful to all Tzu Chi volunteers for their contributions.






首播 每日19:45
重播 週一到週五
   09:48 11:45 15:15 23:00
重播 週六
   07:45 11:45 15:18 23:00
重播 週日
   02:45 07:45 11:45 23:00





2008-11-02 21:11:11




 人間菩提英文版"刊登網站: http://master-dharma.blogspot.com/

Regards, Jenny
Today's Jing Si Aphorisms:   With faith, we will have unlimited strength. With selfless intentions, we will be showered with blessings.

 今日靜思語: 心中有信, 願力無窮;心中無私, 其福無量































































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