
971112人間菩提英文版 Cherishing the Stability in Society and Working to Bring Forth Goodness

      Cherishing the Stability in Society and Working to Bring Forth Goodness

Look at the life stories of our volunteers in our TV dramas.

Everyone starts off as an ordinary person. But, as everyone comes from a different family and leads a different life.

Every story is different.

Coming from different backgrounds, everyone dedicates themselves to different tasks in life, and, because of that, everyone's life story is always different from that of others.

Such stories are actually all part of Tzu Chi's sutra treasury.

Though they are but dramas, they are also part of Tzu Chi's sutra treasury.

Speaking of the sutra treasury, it's already been 2,500 years since the time of the Buddha.

If people nowadays wanted to faithfully depict what it was like back in the Buddha's time.

It would be a very difficult feat.

It is truly not possible to recreate the backdrop of the society that the Buddha was born into and the circumstances of those times.

I don't think anyone would be able to do that.

No matter how much research we conduct it is not possible to fully reconstruct the actual circumstances of two millennia ago.

That's why I often speak of the relationship among time, places, and people---

We must seize time (to benefit others), and endeavor to better understand the places we go to.

That's why I often ask about the location of a country, and what its geographic conditions are like.

And when we go conduct interviews abroad it is my hope that we really try to understand the local culture and their tradition and practices.

So, lately, I've been saying that in helping the cyclone survivors in Myanmar.

We should try to learn more about their way of life, and their culture and traditions.

Why js it that there are so many people living in poverty there when it is obviously a very fertile piece of land?

We should try to understand their past, what's happening now what their future holds for them.

(and what we can do for them)

See, despite studying in conditions where (different classes cramp in one room.) the local children can still concentrate on their studies.

It is because these children are so innocent and eager to learn and have a pure heart.

That's why they are able to concentrate.

Children from seven classes all of different grades cramp together in one open space and listen to their own teachers.

Some face this way, and some that way.

As there aren't any partitions they all have classes at the same time with each teacher giving their respective lessons.

Look at how these children are still able to concentrate despite being in a learning environment where (different classes are going on at the same time)

(I find that very impressive)

What about our children in Taiwan?

Do our children really know to appreciate what a good learning environment they have, and further know to cherish it?

No, they don't.

So, we can let them see other's conditions.

That's why I hope that our reporters can be more mindful in their work because besides reporting what has been done in Myanmar.

What's most important is that their reports can exert a positive influence on our children so that they won't grow up to be pampered and spoiled.

We really need to help them be grounded and learn diligently with their feet on the ground.

So, in gathering material for our news reports on the suffering that goes on what's most important is to bring back something that can educate people in Taiwan.

It's the same with Sichuan also.

When people were suffering from the devastation of the quake, Tzu Chi volunteers went there immediately to provide aid and bring people comfort by letting them pour out their grief.

"After the quake hit, I couldn't find my son."

"so I know that he must have not survived."

When the school building collapsed.

As a father, (I felt I wasn't a good father) as I couldn't save his life.

I know I will regret it for the rest of my life.

After Tzu Chi volunteers came to talk to me, I felt better and my heart opened up a little.

My sorrow and grief eased up a little.

(That kind of support at such a moment)

(was truly very important)

In the months following, it was also important to try and help people find peace.

Gradually, many have emerged from their grief.

I come here out of my own accord.

I'm here to help weed the ground.

I'm here to help with the cleaning.

There'll be a groundbreaking tomorrow so I came to help set up the site.

Such genuine and carefree smiles we see now are very different from the pained smiles that they forced onto their faces right after the quake occurred.

We also see smiles that show their resolve and determination to rebuild their lives.

(A smile may be a smile, but it can be) a helpless smile, a smile of letting go or a smile full of resolve and conviction.

So, we should be more mindful to better understand what is in their hearts and bring that story to light.

Of course, we cannot see into people's hearts but we can understand what must be in their hearts as they are now able to help others and give to others in the same way Tzu Chi volunteers gave to them.

In the footage filmed by our reporters, I saw how pure, genuine the local children are and saw how they persevere in what they do.

I care for these elderly people like they're my own grandparents.

Tzu Chi people came such a long way to help us.

As we are locals, of course we must come and help.

The elderly do not walk around very often, so I come here to give them a massage.

What else can you do?

Do sign language and take their blood pressure.

Although Tzu Chi volunteers have left they still persist in doing Tzu Chi's work. And continue to look after the elderly that Tzu Chi volunteers have laced under their care.

That is actually very important.

In these stories, we see the spirit of humanity.

We didn't just go to their aid and relieve their physical suffering.

What's most important is that we worked to guide them to walk out from their grief.

I feel that's the most important thing and is what's most needed.

As I often say, in our interactions with others learns to be harmonious towards others.

Harmony is, in truth, the most precious thing.

Seeing people interacting with love and with peace and harmony……

In fact, I'm very grateful to Da Ai TV for producing the program, Life Wisdom where we can see how people have been affected by natural or manmade disasters around the world.

It is a pity that not many people are watching the program and listening to my teachings.

Given Taiwan's population of over 23 million, the number of people who watch the program is actually relatively low.

However, that won't make me stop.

Truly, peace and harmony is what we should set our sights on and seek.

It is my hope that all of us can (think of the greater good)

What does our society truly need?

Please, everyone, (we must not let our vision become clouded)

(We must properly discern right from wrong)

So, it is my hope that we must all take action to care for the Earth as it cannot afford to be damaged anymore.

It is my earnest hope that everyone can understand that no matter where it is around the world.

We must not launch missiles at one another as it will cause great harm to the Earth.

In loving people, we must also care for the Earth.

To care for the Earth is to care for all humanity.

That is the ideal that I hope all staff at our cultural center can work together to promote.

All the staff mindfully dedicate themselves to their work and I hope everyone can live out the values of humanity and become an exemplar in your field and that the work you do ca leave a legacy to be passed on for centuries to come.

All in all, please dedicate yourself with love and mindfulness.

Seeing how all our staff of different media dedicate themselves with such care.

I am very comforted and my mind is set at ease.

Please be mindful always.

Thank you all, and my best wishes to you all.






首播 每日19:45
重播 週一到週五
   09:48 11:45 15:15 23:00
重播 週六
   07:45 11:45 15:18 23:00
重播 週日
   02:45 07:45 11:45 23:00

2008-11-12 20:05:39




  人間菩提英文版"刊登網站: http://master-dharma.blogspot.com/



Regards, Jenny
Today's Jing Si Aphorisms:     Seize the moment to do good and contine with it. It is like boiling water if you stop midway, it wil be very hard to start over.

 今日靜思語:行善要及時, 功德要持續.如燒開水一般, 未燒開之前,千萬不要停熄火候,否則重來就太費事了. 























































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