
971109人間菩提英文版Choosing Wisdom

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When I came to Da Ai TV this morning, there was a group of adorable little bodhisattvas.

They gathered around me, and held my hands and said to me:

"We're here to protect you, Grand-master"

I asked them, "How are you to protect me?"

"You are all so tiny"

They replied, "We will give our best"

I was very impressed by their words.

Even though they are so little, they said they will give their best.

I also saw our adult bodhisattvas who also give their best (to help society)

(When everyone does this)

How can the world not be a beautiful place?

(There's an innate beauty in human beings)

(So, I often talk about)

(the legacy people leave behind)

(because of their exemplary character)

Therefore, we must make good use of our time.

We should not let our time go to waste because there are so many urgent things that need to be done.

We must make the most of our time to do them.

Although the work is hard, Tzu Chi volunteers do not say it's hard work.

They say it's a blessing.

Tzu Chi people don't have "off-days".

Neither do I.

But every day feels like" vacation" to me because everything I'm doing are things I want to do.

That is why I'm always grateful about every second I have because I've been able to do the things that I feel need to be done.

I'm worried that there so many things that urgently need to be done.

So, if I get to do them, I'd feel very happy.

So, at every moment, I do the work willingly, and so I'm very happy.

Look at the times we live in.

Compared to the Buddha's time, we're really blessed.

(To spread his teachings, the Buddha) had to travel by foot along the Ganges River walking far distances.

How far can ne walk with his two feet?

See, aren't we really fortunate?

The Buddha had to travel around on foot to spread the Dharma in India.

Like the Buddha, our cultural mission is to spread the Dharma.

(But we have more ways)

(of spreading the Buddha's teachings)

After the Buddha attained enlightenment (he worked very hard to expound his teachings)

(because they are so profound and)

(not very easily understood)

As I said earlier, we're really very blessed

(All of you staff of our cultural mission)

Now understand the Buddha's teachings.

So, we should apply it and try to view things from the Buddha's perspective.

The Buddha tells us that in this world everything goes through the four phases of change:

formation. continuation. decay and extinction.

All the things that we can see and touch are made of matter.

The Earth is made of matter also.

As long as it's made of matter, it's undergo destruction.

What is destroying our Earth?

Natural and man-made disasters.

So, human beings need to protect and care for our planet.

There are a lot of things that are going on this Earth, not only natural disasters, but

man-made disasters as well.

Do you remember the Iraq War that started a few years ago?

Before the war, the people in Iraq were able to make a livelihood & go about their lives.

But in 2003, the Iraq War started.

What happened to the people after war began?

Many Iraqis fled to neighboring Jordan and our volunteers in Jordan worked hard to provide aid to them.

At the time, a journalist from another TV station went to Jordan and accompanied our volunteers to the refugee area.

In the freezing cold, he gave his socks to an elderly man.

He accepted my socks.

Then he started to take off the plastic bags wrapping his feet.

What really moved me was how many layers of plastic bags he wore.

After he took off all the plastic bags, we saw that the skin of his foot were all cracked because of the cold.

I think he felt very comfortable wearing the socks because he used to just stay inside his tent.

But after he wore the socks we saw him walk to other places, farther away.

He probably never imagined that he'd one day go to a place like that and never imagined that he'd do such a thing as take off his own socks to warm another man's feet.

(But having been around Tzu Chi people for days.)

(their ways brought it out in him)

In the desert, it get freezing at night.

But there are a group of people from Taiwan going there to provide aid to these people such as a neater, socks and clothes.

Can you imagine?

The clothes they wear were provided by people from Taiwan.

I feel that this is what touched me the most.

So, this is our true human nature.

This is our Buddha-nature which is full of love and compassion and cannot bear for others to suffer.

He never thought:

"If I give him my socks, I'll be cold"

He only thought about how cold the other man's feet were and how it must hurt.

So, he felt for the man's suffering.

Such a sentiment comes from the Buddha-nature.

The Buddha-nature thinks only of others' suffering and not one's own.

It is pure love (undistracted by other concerns)

It is giving.

This is the Buddha-nature.

(Can you understand now?)

(Iraq) is an example of the kind of destruction that happens in our world.

That land is now very different from how it was before war began.

Having gone through such war and destruction, I believe most of the people in Iraq only want one thing---peace.

So, when weather forces are not at equilibrium natural disasters happen.

When the force of human beings' temper is not at equilibrium, man-made calamities happen.

If people become afflicted and can't pacify the forces roiling inside them,

they will perpetually be agitated and restless.

This will cause trouble for his family.

Troubled families in turn bring trouble to society and then the country.

This is how man-made calamities come about.

Now in Iraq, the majority of the people wish for peace. harmony. and stability.

It's just the small minority.

(who won't let things stay peaceful)

I don't know how much more destruction will continue to go on.

How much further the country will be devastated.

In that country, people can't even sleep peacefully.

That is really the worst kind of suffering.

Circumstances like these (which happen all around the world) are all created by mankind and are due to the thoughts in their minds.

If we can keep a pure and uncomplicated mindset wouldn't society be in harmony?

Wouldn't that be a blessing for everyone?

If everyone can think more for others & be understanding, then life would be good for all.

The mission of our staff involved in media and communications work is to educate and enlighten the public.

(We must do that, so that there is)

(an uplifting and purifying force in our society)

I am truly grateful to all our staff

Though I know it is very hard work, I feel that if something is right, we should just do it.

The worst is when we do things that are wrong.

That is foolishness.

For what's right, if we go ahead and do it.

That's wisdom.

I hope that everyone will choose to be wise and seize the time we have to do what is right.

I am truly very grateful to our staff and thank you for every second you've put in for your work.

If we always focus on how much time we've put in we'll be miserable.

(I don't do that so I'm happy)

Thank you all and may you all give of yourselves mindfully with love.

首播 每日19:45
重播 週一到週五
   09:48 11:45 15:15 23:00
重播 週六
   07:45 11:45 15:18 23:00
重播 週日
   02:45 07:45 11:45 23:00

2008-11-09 20:44:12




  人間菩提英文版"刊登網站: http://master-dharma.blogspot.com/



Regards, Jenny
Today's Jing Si Aphorisms:    To a beautiful heart, everything appears beautiful. 
























































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