
971108人間菩提英文版Tzu Chi Hospitals: Where Love Keeps Pace with Medical Science

Tzu Chi Hospitals: Where Love Keeps Pace with Medical Science
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"We're grateful to Master for creating Tzu Chi"

"so that we can learn about love and compassion and fro giving us the chance o serve others and meet everyone's expectations."

"But we will work very hard, be responsible."

"(and do our best)"

I heard that there are many Tzu Chings who have come to work for Tzu Ch.

It makes me very happy.

I also see many new young staff joining our staff at Tzu Chi Hospital in Taipei.

This also makes me very happy.

Everyone seems to be happy working at our hospital because though the work is demanding. Everyone works together united.

Because of this unity even though the work is hard

(I believe you all feel blessed)

More than twenty years ago, Tzu Chi started building our first hospital.

To raise funds for the construction, I went on tour around Taiwan almost every month.

The tour was not for sightseeing but to solicit funds from people all around Taiwan for building a hospital.

Thinking back to that time, we had no resources back then.

We had no money and no people to help us.

It was very hard.

(But all that hard work was worth it)

We worked hard and contributed everything we could.

Gradually, people started to share our ideals and kindhearted people donated money to us.

Some donated a large sum in one go while others worked for years in order to accumulate enough money to make a donation.

It was truly not easy for them.

Many people did this, and it was through the accumulation of these donations large & small that we were able to build our first hospital in Hualien.

So, pooling together every contribution we then built other hospitals and now have hospitals in Guanshan and Yuli to safeguard the lives of people in these remote parts of eastern Taiwan.

As for western Taiwan, there were more hospitals but there was still a shortage of medical resources in Dalin.

So, we built a hospital in Dalin.

It was our first Tzu Chi Hospital in western Taiwan.

Then we built a hospital in Taipei and a hospital in Taichung.

So, now we have six hospitals.

Of the six hospitals, the one in Hualien was the hardest to set up.

Back then, there weren't functioning railways connecting Hualien to Taipei.

 (Because of the inconvenient transportation,)

(few were willing to work in Hualien)

This made setting up a hospital in Hualien all the more difficult.

In the end, we overcame all these obstacles.

Even though we now have six hospitals they each face (staff shortages)

Because eastern Taiwan is more remote it is still difficult to get people to come work in eastern Taiwan much less in the rural towns of Guanshan and Yuli.

What about in the city? Is there such a problem?

(Those working in our hospital in Taipei tell me)

They also have this problem because there is more competition in the city.

I hope that our hospital does not compete for profit but rather for giving the best care to patients.

(Caring for patients is the goal of our hospital)

Nowadays, with the advancement of medical science and technology.

I hope that our medical personnel will also have greater love because while learning new techniques isn't hard.

If one only improves his skills without developing his capacity for love,

Then, one only operates the equipment without sincere feeling for the patient and that will harm the patient.

(I hope our hospital can provide loving care)

Tzu Chi people (helped build this hospital and) they not only donated money but are also giving their time and effort.

In our hospital in Taipei, there are always groups of Tzu Chi volunteers helping there.

They all have a very busy life but they still set aside time to volunteer at the hospital.

Their only wish is that our hospital can have good doctors and nurses who serve with a mission and who truly bring forth their full potential.

Despite the good facilities and equipment we have there has to be good peole to use these tools and who dedicate themselves to this.

Only then can patients be benefited.

So, I really hope that our hospital can be full of "ren wen." (By "ren wen" I mean)

(a medical culture of humanity that comes from)

(everyone living out the noble calling)

(of the medical profession)

(It is when we do can do that)

That we have a meaningful legacy to leave behind.

For instance, all of you have helped raise funds on the streets for the Myanmar cyclone disaster.

The cyclone hit Myanmar on May 2, now five or so months after the disaster, we've held the groundbreaking for the Great Love village that will have 744 houses.

You had all participated in the fundraising.

We also held a groundbreaking for the school next to the Great Love village.

On another day, we went to see them harvest rice.

We saw their abundant harvest.

We saw how sincerely grateful the farmers were.

They were truly grateful and they expressed their gratitude with a ceremony.

When our volunteers who were there described it to me, I was very moved.

I am telling you this now because I want to thank all of you.

(for your part in helping to make it happen)

(Some of you had also gone to give medical care)

Indeed, as a doctor, the missions of medicine and charity must go hand in hand.

The "ren wen" of medicine and charity is sincere love from the heart.

(Many of you also went to Sichuan, China)

I'm sure that when I bring up Sichuan, for those of you who have gone.

You will see in your mind's eye.

The children and the elderly you had met there.

Though you have returned to Taiwan your heart still remains with the people and that's because of love.

That kind of love (nurtures) our wisdom-life.

So, I am truly very grateful that you have brought together medicine & charity.

And lived out their "ren wen" (spirit of humanity)

If we have all the most advanced technology and equipment, we must make sure that

(our love keeps pace with it)

If the technology keeps advancing, but our love does not keep "advancing" as well that would be very dangerous.

As the technology improves, our love must e one step ahead of the development.

Love's potential is limitless.

We all have boundless potential because of love and because of this love our capabilities are boundless.

We must not let technology overtake our love.

The growth of our love must keep pace with the growth of technology.

Actually, the growth of our love should be even faster than that of technology.

In a word, we must use the technology with altruistic love.

Given our hospital' advanced facilities and equipments, I hope that every department in the hospital will be even better.

We can only truly achieve that if we have "ren wen" (the values of humanity) and if more members of the hospital staff. Understand Tzu Chi's spirit and ideals.

Only then can you really serve as a seed that can sprout and produce countless more seeds.

It's just like the rice seeds we gave in Myanmar.

One rice seed grew into a rice plant, and that rice plant produced many grains, many seeds. See, one seed can produce many seeds.

In a word, love can continually multiply.

Thank you, everyone, for your love.





首播 每日19:45
重播 週一到週五
   09:48 11:45 15:15 23:00
重播 週六
   07:45 11:45 15:18 23:00
重播 週日
   02:45 07:45 11:45 23:00

2008-11-08 19:56:35





  人間菩提英文版"刊登網站: http://master-dharma.blogspot.com/



Regards, Jenny
Today's Jing Si Aphorisms:    If we have a good heart, we wil always be at peace; if we do good,every day we will enjoy many blessings. 

今日靜思語: 時時好心, 時時平安;日日造福, 日日有福
























































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