
971106人間菩提英文版Cherishing Our Beautiful Earth

Cherishing Our Beautiful Earth
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With disasters constantly occurring around the world living in peace and tranquility is something that is hard to come by.

When natural disasters occur be it a storm, fire, earthquake, etc.

It always brings considerable suffering.

That is because real and basic life needs are directly affected.

After disasters strike, how can people rebuild their livelihood so that they can recover and get back on their feet?

We must first comfort people emotionally.

(and then help them recover the motivation)

To stand up on their own again.

This is in the case of natural disasters.

People can recover from such natural disasters as long as they can find peace in their hearts and find the strength to stand up again.

If everyone can do so, it will not be hard for that society to recover economically.

But, when it comes to man made disasters that's another story.

Disasters created by people are much harder to quell because people's mentality and attitudes---

(the inner storm of anger, discontent, etc.) are very difficult to quiet down.

Let us look at people around the world.

What kind of people are the richest and most at peace?

I often speak of people's insatiable desires.

(They always want more) and ever feel content.

Even with billions, they'd still want trillions.

If they have ten dollars, they want a hundred, a thousand, then a million---never being content.

Even when they have a trillion, would that be enough?

No, it wouldn't.

This is because people's desires are as boundless as the sea.

In life, we see how some people toil away their entire lives in the pursuit of wealth and pray to have longevity and children.

There are many people like that even among those who are elderly, alone. poor or disabled.

(Even in their circumstances,)

(they are still caught up in these things and)

(have yet to realize life's true meaning & value)

So, we should wake up from our deluded ways and learn to live our life with gratitude.

Spiritual wealth is more important than material wealth.

If we are materially wealthy but don't know to be content, we'd always be poor despite the money we have.

Take many businesspeople nowadays for example.

Because of the current global financial crisis and the fluctuations in the stock market,

Many investors are very worried and afraid.

Such worries that are wrapped up in concerns of gains and losses create much suffering.

So, if we can lead a plain and simple life, and make a living through our own labor and abilities that would be the most contented life.

If we are able to further help others, our life would be even richer for material comforts and instead lead p plain and simple life with our feet firmly planted on the ground and unwaveringly follow the path that the Buddha once walked.

Haven't I mentioned in my morning Dharma talk that everyone walking on the path with us is our family.

If we can guide everyone to walk the upright path the Bodhisattva Path, with us, isn't everyone our companion and family?

We can also inspire others to guide more people.

That way, every family in society can live in peace and safety, and everyone can be healthy physically and mentally.

Then, wouldn't that serve as a stream of purity in society?

We save a handful of rice every day.

It's like how Master tells us to save a coin every day.

We sell the rice we save, and donate the money to help Master with her work.

On November 1, Tzu Chi volunteers from four countries gathered together in Myanmar.(to share in the farmers' joy of a good harvest)

Because of Tzu Chi's help, compared to last year when we only reaped 40 barrels per acre, this time we reaped around 70 to 80 barrels per acre.

I reaped around 80 barrels per acre which is a big improvement from last year.

In fact, Myanmar is one of the largest granaries in the world.

So, we took care to give them especially good rice seeds.

With growing concerns over the issue of global food shortage we truly hope(to give assistance in such a way) as to help prevent food shortages.

We need farmers to farm the land diligently and we've given them rice seeds and fertilizers.

Hopefully, with that, food shortages will be less likely to occur.

We are now making similar plans to help countries in other parts of the world such as South Africa, etc where there are vast farmlands.

The locals would need instruction and guidance.

(to improve their farming techniques)

This is a plan we are considering.

By doing so, I hope we can help to alleviate global food shortages.

So, as long as there are people willing to farm the land and accept our help that can help to alleviate the food shortage problem a bit.

Seeing the Myanmarese rice farmers' good harvest.

I'm truly very happy.

Didn't I share with you a few days ago that bodhisattvas do not give up on anyone so we should go to people and extend a helping hand of our own accord.

Wherever help is needed, we shouldn't wait to be asked but should take the initiative to go to people's aid.

Indeed, going to people's aid without being asked and never giving up on anyone is the way of a living bodhisattva.

If everyone can be like this, this world will definitely be filled with peace.

With that, the weather will be favorable and society will be peaceful and harmonious.

Then, naturally, every family will live in happiness and harmony.

Whether this comes about depends on everyone's heart and mind.

When everyone harbors gratitude, respect, and love within how can there not be peace and harmony?

So, it is not difficult to achieve peace at all.

It takes but a change in mindset.

That's right.

It all depends on our mind.

As long as we are willing to live a simple life and abide by our duty, there wouldn't be so many people living in extravagance and luxury and wasting so many resources thereby polluting the land, and now it's affecting the climate.

So, although there is large human population on Earth, as long as everyone can calm their minds and live a plain and simple life.

I am sure there will be prosperity on Earth.

(as well as peace and harmony around the world)

And then, this world would be a pureland.

Indeed, among all the planets in this universe the most beautiful planet is Earth.

From the satellite image of the Earth we can see that Earth is such a beautiful blue globe.

Aren' t we very blessed to be able to live on this planet? Living on the most beautiful planet in the universe we should cherish and protect it and not damage it






首播 每日19:45
重播 週一到週五
   09:48 11:45 15:15 23:00
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   07:45 11:45 15:18 23:00
重播 週日
   02:45 07:45 11:45 23:00

Cherishing Our Beautiful Earth

2008-11-06 21:19:26










  人間菩提英文版"刊登網站: http://master-dharma.blogspot.com/





Regards, Jenny
Today's Jing Si Aphorisms:     Only with our feet firmly planted on the ground can we hope for stability, inner peace and freedom.

 今日靜思語: 做人踏實, 才能穩定自在


























































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