
971122人間菩提英文版Becoming a Model that Can Inspire Others to Follow in the Same Footsteps

Becoming a Model that Can Inspire Others to Follow in the Same Footsteps
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"See, my name is on the blackboard."

"Yes, I see your name on it"

"During the class this morning, I also drew a star on it."

"You drew it. You're so smart."

"You're a good kid."

"The doctor says you need to do this"

"Did you forget?"

"I don't have time to do it."

(Oh, how come?)

"What have you been working on that kept you busy?"

"I practiced writing, then drew pictures,"

"and then I went to sleep."

(I wish she could always be this happy)

(I wouldn't mind if she never grew up)

"Every parent looks forward to her child growing up."

"But seeing her like this,"

"I don't want her to grow up because I want her to always be this happy"


The little girl that we just saw---her injury happened two years ago in October of 2006.

She was born into a poor farming family.

Her parents had to work out of town to support the family because they could not earn enough just by farming their land.

So, they left their children in the care of the children's grandparents.

One time, this little girl was playing with other children around a pile of hay.

One of the children set fire to the hay.

When the hay caught on fire,( the girl could not get away in time)

and she severely burned her face as well as both of her arms.

Her parents were devastated.

This girl underwent several operations.

Her parents sold their possessions plus what money they had earned to pay for the medical treatment.

(Yet, the surgeries still were not enough)

In December of the same year, Tzu Chi volunteers in Yiwu learned of her case.

So, they helped send the girl to a bigger hospital for treatment.

Despite further surgery, (her condition was still not ideal) though our volunteers in Yiwu had tried their best.

Then, early this year, Tzu Chi volunteers in Shanghai began to help them and brought them to Hangzhou.

Fortunately, one of the hospitals in Hangzhou (is familiar with Tzu Chi's work)

because it had received marrow from Tzu Chi's marrow registry.

The hospital superintendent asked Tzu Chi member how Tzu Chi planned to raise the amount needed for the medical fees.

Tzu Chi members showed him their record of donations which showed how Tzu Chi's funds came from small contributions by many people, made monthly.

Seeing this, the superintendent was very moved.

He realized that Tzu Chi's missions were all funded by the pooling together of many small contributions.

He was very moved by this.

So, he began to encourage his staff to raise funds to help this little girl.

When it was time for her to be discharged from the hospital.

The hospital said that the medical fees had already been paid for.

Look at how people can inspire love in one another and join hands to help.

(The girl is now recovering well)

Tzu Chi volunteers wanted this child to be able to get an education just like other children

So, Tzu Chi volunteers searched for a school that she could go to.

One of the children's homes in Hangzhou was willing to let her get schooling there.

So, this little girl can go to school there.

But for her to go to school there, her parents would also need to move there so that they can look after her.

Therefore, Tzu Chi volunteers helped the parents to find a job in Hangzhou.

Now, their family of four have moved to Hangzhou, near the children's home so they can take care of their daughter.

They can settle down & have a more stable life now.

Such is the love and giving of Tzu Chi volunteers.

In these past seventeen years in China, Tzu Chi members have inspired many people's love.

I believe this is even more important than the material aid that we've given because now, in everyone's hearts, there is a pure stream that can nourish their hearts enabling the Dharma to grow in their hearts.

The Dharma in their hearts enables them to grow in wisdom.

Through the work of relieving people's suffering, we enable the stream of purity to flow into their hearts.

The land of their heart has become dry but with this water, the land recovers.

We enable seeds to start growing there.

Through interactions of love, people are inspired.

(This is how the land of our heart)

(is like the great earth of Nature)

So long as we have selfless Great Love, we will have many seeds of love to spread.

Then, wherever Tzu Chi volunteers go, they spread seeds of love there.

The loving care that Tzu Chi volunteers give is like the way farmers tend to their land.

Because of the stream of purity in people's hears, over the course of time, there will be a lot of growth.

Just in China these seventeen years we have gone to all different parts of China.

It is such a vast land with so many living beings.

We need to pool together everyone's love.

If we do that, we'll have the means to help many.

In those snow-covered lands, the poor are going hungry and cold.

Those elderly who have no one to take care of them really need a pair of warm hands to support them.

They also need food and nutrition as well as warm clothing to warm their cold bodies.

Look at how Tzu Chi people's love has warmed them.

It is truly very touching.

Looking back on the scenes of the past they are very heartwarming scenes.

Though they are in the past, yet, they have left a legacy.

(as an example of what we should do)

In China, the story in Sichuan still continues.

Young and old are still serving as volunteers.

They are still caring for people in need and dedicating themselves mindfully.

They are each a seed and we see how the seeds are continuing to multiply from one seed to countless seeds.

So, the seeds of love are being spread, I hope that with our love.

We can help to purify this great earth.

To purify the world we need to first purify the hearts of humanity with the water of Dharma.

When the seeds of love in people's hearts are nourished by the water of Dharma.

It can grow into a tree and bear countless seeds.

(Let us produce countless seeds and spread them)






首播 每日19:45
重播 週一到週五
   09:48 11:45 15:15 23:00
重播 週六
   07:45 11:45 15:18 23:00
重播 週日
   02:45 07:45 11:45 23:00





2008-11-22 19:48:03







人間菩提英文版"刊登網站: http://master-dharma.blogspot.com/



Regards, Jenny
Today's Jing Si Aphorisms: To become more free and at peace, we must learn to look an things in a positive way, and be more tolerant and broad-hearted.

今日靜思語:想要解脫自在, 必定要有善解. 包容的功夫 













































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