
971105人間菩提英文版 The Blessings of Peace and Stability

The Blessings of Peace and Stability
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We all live on the same planet & in the same era, yet why do people in different parts of the world lead such different lives?

Look at the life that we lead.

Are we all able to be content?

Look at the people in the Republic of Zimbabwe and what hardship they are enduring.

It is a situation that was created by people.

(Zimbabwe used to be hailed as)

(southern Africa's bread basket) producing all kinds of food crops as it has very fertile land.

(If everyone lived peacefully and were content,)

They could have grown enough crops and led a stable and sufficient life.

However, because of people's unrest, he citizens of Zimbabwe have now been affected by hunger, poverty, and disasters.

Zimbabwe used to be colonized by Britain.

(and gained independence around 1980)

In 2000, Zimbabwe's farmlands which had been owned by white farmers were redistributed to blacks.

But, many of the new farmers had little or no experience in farming.

(So, since the redistribution,)

(agricultural production has fallen considerably)

On top of that drought and political strife have also contributed to the significant shortfalls in food production since 2001 eventually leading to today's hyperinflation.

Last year, a Taiwanese businessman in Zimbabwe Mr. Cai came back to Taiwan.

At the time, I happened to be in Taipei,

So, our volunteers brought Mr. Cai to see me.

He expressed his hope for Tzu Chi volunteers to go to Zimbabwe to see the living conditions of the local people and see what could be done to help them.

So, on November 2 of last year, our volunteer, Stephen Huang, went there.

He brought back many pictures and footage.

My heart truly went out to the people.

So, later, Tzu Chi volunteers in South Africa went to Zimbabwe to get further understanding of the living conditions of the locals and, seeing how much the locals needed help.

Last November, our volunteers went there to give out material supplies for the first time.

That was the first time we gave out supplies in Zimbabwe.

Having witnessed their need for aid,

(we have now begun to care for people in Zimbabwe)

Many of he local Taiwanese businesspeople have been inspired to become Tzu Chi volunteers and they all willingly give of themselves.

But the surge in inflation rate is truly unbelievable.

The Zimbabwean dollar now has very little value.

In order to buy a loaf of bread, people need to bring a whole sackful of money.

What's more, the inflation continues to surge.

So, now, many teachers are not interested in teaching.

Cleaners aren't going to work either because their wages can't cove their travel fares.

When people can't even afford a loaf of bread, how can they afford travel fare?

(It makes life very hard)

They are on the brink of economic collapse

Their currency is worthless and they're on the brink of economic collapse.

That's the kind of suffering and poverty.

People are enduring in Zimbabwe.

Seeing that, Tzu Chi volunteers in South Africa will be working together with our volunteers in Zimbabwe to hold another aid distribution on November 9.

Our volunteers from South Africa will mobilize to help again this time.

It's truly very difficult to pinpoint the root cause of all their suffering.

All in all, it can be traced back to people's discontent and greed.

That's what has created such turmoil.

Because of the turmoil and strife people can't work and live in peace despite there being such a fertile land.

If people could live and work in peace and stability they would all be safe and well and the fertile land they farmed could have been able to sustain their living.

The turmoil is all due to the unrest in people's hearts.

We also see that Congo is at war.

Humanitarian aid groups have said that ceasefire needs to be declared before they can distribute aid.

The situation is truly very worrying.

Our hearts go out to the people there.

However, I also saw another news report on Da Ai TV which comforted me very much.

In Myanmar, we have provided love and support to the cyclone survivors since May.

(including distributing rice seeds to farmers)

Now, the rice plants have all flourished to become a sea of gold with farmers reaping a good harvest.

Seeing how the good harvest has now given them a means to sustain their living.

I am truly very happy.

See, so many rice farmers worked so hard to help themselves.

(So, with the rice seeds we gave them)

(and favorable weather,)

(they were able to reap a good harvest)

Seeing that, we're truly very relieved.

Turning to Sichuan, China---

Ever since Tzu Chi volunteers went to their aid after the earthquake struck in May.

We have inspired many local youths and businesspeople to join us.

A few days ago, we saw that they went to visit two senior homes and brought the elderly out to sit in the sun.

They also guided the young volunteers to give the elderly people a massage.

See how these local volunteers squatted down and gently washed the feet of the elderly.

(So, it truly shows that) as long as everyone harbors love in their hearts gets along harmoniously with one another and works to give of oneself with love.

However great a disaster we encounter we'd still be able to recover and quickly come out from our grief and sorrow and then stand on our own tow feet again.

When people love on another, they can overcome all difficulties.

All in all, true happiness lies in living in peace and safety.

Being safe and well is truly a blessing.

What brings us the greatest joy is love.

(So long as we have love in our hearts,) wherever we go and sow seeds of love these seeds will sprout grow into small trees, then big trees and eventually produce abundant fruits.

Such seeds of love and what we need in this world.

(So, I earnestly hope that these seeds of love)

(can spread far and wide)

Though people may be devastated by disaster as long as they harbor love in their hearts and their hearts are peaceful.

See how bright and cheerful they can be and how they an further bring warmth to others.

It truly all depends on our mind.

So, everyone, we truly should seize every opportunity to do whatever we know to be right.

Everyone should remain vigilant---

By no means should we do things that aren't right.

The action we take, no matter how tiny it may seem can benefit others (if it is a good deed) while something that is wrong be it only the uttering of a few words can lead the whole world to turmoil and chaos.

So, everyone, please be more mindful at all times.









首播 每日19:45
重播 週一到週五
   09:48 11:45 15:15 23:00
重播 週六
   07:45 11:45 15:18 23:00
重播 週日
   02:45 07:45 11:45 23:00





2008-11-05 19:38:07





  人間菩提英文版"刊登網站: http://master-dharma.blogspot.com/





Regards, Jenny
Today's Jing Si Aphorisms:    Two things should never wait: doing good deeds and being good to our parents.

今日靜思語: 世間有二件事不能等, 一是"行善", 二是"孝順".




























































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