
971030人間菩提英文版Body Donors: Nurturing Humane Doctors to Benefit Countless People

Body Donors: Nurturing Humane Doctors to Benefit Countless People
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In different corners throughout this world, at every moment, things are happening that bring joy and sorrow to people changing people's lives completely in an instant.

Yesterday, a strong quake measuring 6.4 in magnitude hit a mountainous area of Pakistan.

As most of the homes of the locals were built with mud bricks, when the quake struck at 5.10 a.m. local time, many people were thrown into a state of panic.

Those who could not escape in time were all buried under their mud-brick houses.

The information I have now says that over 170 people are reported dead while more than 400 people have been injured.

Because the earthquake struck in a mountainous area it is very difficult to carry out the rescue work.

Moreover, yesterday afternoon at our daily prayer session, one of our staff said that it has been raining quite heavily in Myanmar these past few days.

It was truly heartbreaking to hear because we've all been earnestly hoping that the weather will cooperate so that the rice farmers can reap a good harvest from the seeds we had given them.

In fact, a team of our Tzu Chi volunteers & staff is preparing to go to Myanmar on Nov.1.

They had thought they'd be sharing in the farmers' joy of a good harvest when they went to attend the groundbreaking for the construction of a school and permanent housing.

However, yesterday, we heard that there's been heavy rainfall these days.

My heart truly goes out to them deeply.

Hopefully the weather can quickly clear up.

Otherwise, if it continues to rain, the crops will all be ruined.

For more than five months, Tzu Chi people have been there giving their support and love.

Can we bear to see these rice crops they have worked so hard to grow be ruined by the rain?

(Thinking of that. I'm truly very worried)

But that is how life is.

We are always reminded that life is impermanent.

What can we do to make sure that the seeds of hope we sow will sprout and bear fruit?

It's truly hard to say.

So, we must always heighten our vigilance remain pious, and abstain from meat.

Being vigilant and sincerely pious is something we should uphold at all times.

That is why I often say that we must harbor a heart of gratitude at every moment.

Only with a heart of gratitude will we know to be on the alert at all times.

So, we must always be at our most pious and practice the vegetarian fast without slackening.

Indeed, we should be sincerely pious and grateful.

During the volunteers' morning assembly yesterday, we heard Professor Zeng share with all of us about his trip to Tianjin, China to the 11th Medical Education Conference.

When he shared with the attendees about how we show our respect & gratitude to body donors he gained much respect and praise from those present who are all members from the local medical institutions and schools.

Indeed, medicine is to save lives. So,

(more education is important to medical students)

To conduct moral education, we need an environment with fine exemplars for students to look up to.

Education is not just teaching by word.

(but also about setting an example by action)

To pass on knowledge and principles to students, we need good teachers who have virtue and good moral character.

(for their students to emulate)

Indeed, virtue and medical ethics are what matter most, and only when students know to uphold virtue can they become humane doctors with good skills.

To nurture doctors like that moral education is needed.

After teachers pass on the knowledge to students, students need to practice what they've learned and operate on a real human body to help them understand the abstruse workings of the human body.

This way they can turn their hands into wondrous hands that can save lives and turn their knowledge into wondrous skills.

(then use these wondrous skills)

(to benefit others)

(and be a doctor who epitomizes)

(the noble calling of the medical profession)

Only when doctors have both good skills and virtue are they practicing medicine to benefit others and deeming the work as their life's mission.

To produce such doctors takes mindful education.

Among the six body donors for the surgical simulation that begins today, two were our donating members and the other four were either our commissioner.

Tzu Cheng member, or honorary board member.

After they got to know Tzu Chi and walked on Tzu Chi Dharma path their vow to walk the path never wavered.

They were truly very diligent bodhisattvas who carried out Tzu Chi's work diligently.

Take Mr. Qin for example.

Everyone in his family is a Tzu Chi volunteer.

Both Mr. Qin and his wife are our commissioners.

They were both very dedicated to Tzu Chi and took part in much of Tzu Chi's work.

In all of Tzu Chi's construction projects there was none that Mr. Qin did not take part in.

He passed away in May, and was immediately brought back to our university.

He was also a Tzu Chi dad for our students.

He donated his body for medical use after death.

I miss him greatly, but we must let go as death is but the natural course of life.

We also saw our commissioner, Qiu-xing.

From the moment she received a bowl of hot congee from our Tzu Chi volunteers in the aftermath of the 921 Earthquake, she was very deeply moved, and so she began dedicating herself to Tzu Chi's work.

Despite suffering a relapse of breast cancer, she continued to serve as hospital volunteer while undergoing chemotherapy.

See, although she was undergoing chemotherapy and it took a lot out of her.

She still remembered I had said that I seek not good health, but only alertness of mind.

So long as she could still draw a breath.

She wouldn't let a moment slip by emptily.

And she truly did that.

She passed away this May.

Qiu-xing used to say:

"If anything should happen to me,"

"do not resuscitate me"

"Let me go and come back quickly"

"so I can make it in time to follow Master again"

See, that's how carefree and at peace she was.

(toward her imminent death)

And she did not let any second go to waste.

Don't I often remind you that in walking?

The path of Tzu Chi, there's no point at which we retire.

We need to make the fullest use of every second of our lives.

Everyone, we truly should be very grateful for every second that we pass in peace and safety and we should harbor such a heart of gratitude always and keep the sense of piety and vigilance always.

Everyone, being safe and well is truly a blessing.

As blessed as we already are, we must further work to sow more blessings.

Only then would we be making the fullest use of our lives and bring forth the value of our lives.

So everyone, please be mindful at all times.




首播 每日19:45
重播 週一到週五
   09:48 11:45 15:15 23:00
重播 週六
   07:45 11:45 15:18 23:00
重播 週日
   02:45 07:45 11:45 23:00








2008-10-30 21:01:44





人間菩提英文版"刊登網站: http://master-dharma.blogspot.com/

Regards, Jenny
Today's Jing Si Aphorisms:   Of all acts of goodness, first and foremost is filial piety.

今日靜思語: 孝是為善之本

































































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