
971017人間菩提英文版 To Live within Our Means with a Frugal yet Giving Heart

To Live within Our Means with a Frugal yet Giving Heart
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In this world, natural disasters and other unexpected accidents can come upon us suddenly.

We saw that Hurricane Omar swept through the southeastern Caribbean islands.

(without doing a lot of damage)

and so, the locals reacted with relief that not much devastation was done.

Indeed, we mustn't think:

"Why us? Why did the hurricane have to come here?"

Instead, after it passes, we should be grateful.

When we receive warnings about an oncoming natural disaster, we should be humbly pious and on the alert.

When the storm has passed through, we should be grateful everyone is safe and well.

So, we should harbor a heart of sincere piety at all times, and be grateful after the

Disaster has passed through.

We should be grateful for that and know that it was because of the blessings that had been generated due to everyone's sincere piety.

Presently, wildfires are still ravaging Southern California.

Seeing these wildfires this time, I'm truly very worried.

So, all around the world, all of us must have greater awareness and live our lives with humble piety and live our lives with humble piety.

After disasters have passed through we must be grateful that we are safe and well.

What's more, we must learn to be content.

(and don't overstep our bounds)

Actually, today is International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.

In the world, there are many poverty-stricken people and often, we'd see children who are so skinny that their limbs are as thin as sticks and they have big extended bellies.

With flies covering their faces they don't even have the strength to blink them away.

They truly undergo unspeakable suffering.

Not only are they starving they are also lacking in medical care and live in very unsanitary conditions.

It is vicious cycle that keeps taking place in poverty-stricken areas.

The United Nations designated this day for people to realize the poverty there is in the world.

(and, the poor can come to know that there are)

others who are poor as well as poverty exists in every corner of this world.

Indeed, to truly eradicate poverty not only do we need the rich to give of their love.

The poor also need to work hard to overcome their circumstances and have a strong will to try and sustain their living through their own efforts.

While others help us, we must also help ourselves.

Though the observance of the day the UN aims to promote awareness of the need to eradicate poverty.

Indeed, we should reflect upon ourselves and realize that we already have plenty.

I often share with you how much I like the way Chinese characters are formed and the meaning it contains.

Take the character, "poverty" for example.

If we misplace one stroke in the upper part of the word "poverty"

What would the character become then?

Yes, it's the character, "greed"

See, with one stroke being misplaced, "greed" easily becomes "poverty"

So, we truly cannot be greedy.

(We must live within our means)

We should approach our lifestyle with

(a pure heart without greed)

If we can be diligent and frugal.

So, being diligent and frugal is very important.

With the current global financial crises unfavorable economic outlook and a high unemployment rate all over the world with our charity work be affected?

Yes, it will.

That's why yesterday I told our staff that I'm also concerned about this global economic slowdown because it'll also affect.

(whether people donate money to help the poor)

Yesterday, I told everyone that winter will be arriving soon, and there are many countries that need our help for winter aid.

Also in the U.S. disaster after disaster has been occurring so I am very worried.

We have been holding winter aid distributions in China every year for many years now.

However, with the Sichuan Earthquake this year there are more needy people who need our care this year.

There're also the cyclone victims in Myanmar.

See, how are they to survive the winter?

So, this year we have a greater burden to shoulder.

Yesterday, I shared with our staff that I hope everyone can take up and promote the spirit of making a small donation every day.

That's right, when tiny donations are pooled together, they can amount to a lot which can be used to help with our winter aid.

In the footage we see our volunteer in Malaysia who owns a car repair garage.

One day, someone recommended that we watch Da Ai TV.

When he first watched Da Ai TV, he didn't feel anything special.

It wasn't until when Malaysia was affected by flooding due to a series of heavey downpour in 2006……

He saw Tzu Chi volunteers in Malaysia wading through the water with flashlights to distribute relief goods into the night.

(It made him realize that)

The people the saw on Da Ai TV were real-life people.

So, he began watching Da Ai TV regularly.

He watches Da Ai TV because he wants to learn to be like Tzu Chi volunteers.

He has not received much education but every day, he takes photos of Jing Si Aphorisms shown on Da Ai TV.

He has taken many of them.

He places photos of the aphorisms on the wall around his house.

He says he treats them as maxims to learn from and now he does Tzu Chi's work very diligently.

Firstly I want to thank Da Ai TV.

It was only by watching Da Ai TV that I got to know Master.

I listen mindfully to what Master says.

I also know that what Master is doing is right.

In all, I'll walk the Tzu Chi path till the very end.

There is also a lady form Indonesia who went to work in Malaysia.

The family she works for happens to be a Tzu Chi family.

So, after she finishes the household work she would sit and watch Da Ai TV with the family.

She saw the devastating disasters in China's Sichuan and in Myanmar.

Her employer, who is a Tzu Chi commissioner, would translate what was on TV for her so her loving-kindness was inspired.

For the disasters in China and Myanmar she also donated 500 ringgits (around US$140)

Actually I want to donate more, but I can only spare so much.

I'm very sorry about that but I will pray for the disaster victims.

Our commissioner told her:

"You don't have to donate that much"

"100 or 200 ringgits would be enough"

But she said, "No"

"I really want to help"

"What I've donated is too little"

"I really want to donate more"

"but I have a family to support"

She couldn't donate as much as she wanted to but she insisted on donating 500 ringgits which is more than her monthly salary.

She even said that when she returns to Indonesia, she wants to serve as a Tzu Chi volunteer.

Right now, as she is working in Malaysia, she follows her employer to do Tzu Chi's work.

I'm not tired, I'm very happy.

I want to inspire people who aren't aware of the disaster to donate money.

It is truly very touching to see that all around the world people are being inspired to give of their love.

So, poverty is nothing to be afraid of.

What is more fearful is people's greed.

If every one of us can give rise to a loving heart eliminate our selfish greed and live more simply and frugally---.

I started Tzu Chi with just 30 housewives donating 50 NT cents each day.

(So, any amount is helpful) as long as you are not too stingy to give it.

Even a cent or a dime will help.

I hope that everyone can understand that in every corner of the world no matter how wealthy and strong a country is there are people living in poverty.

So, we must be more diligent and frugal and sow more blessings by doing good deeds.

Only then can disasters around the world be eliminated and society be filled with peace and harmony.

All in all, let us all be full of love & be giving.

Thank you.



首播 每日19:45
重播 週一到週五
   09:48 11:45 15:15 23:00
重播 週六
   07:45 11:45 15:18 23:00
重播 週日
   02:45 07:45 11:45 23:00














Regards, Jenny
Today's Jing Si Aphorisms:    As we give, we must be grateful, for the act of giving is but the form--- the essence lies in giving with gratitude. 
 今日靜思語:  付出的同時一定要生起感恩心, 付出是事相, 感恩才是真理.


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