
971029人間菩提英文版Working Diligently to Fulfill Vows for the Greater Good

Working Diligently to Fulfill Vows for the Greater Good
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"Thank you"

"Thank you"

"Just give her the receipt"

"Here is the receipt"

"I'll come back to collect your donation later"

"I'll bring the money over to you"


"Thank you"

"See how many receipts I have"

"My daughter bought this folder for me"

"It's easier to sort the receipts"

"I've over 300 families to collect"

The volunteer we saw in the footage is Xu Ying-li.

She is our Tzu Chi commissioner.

Her father died when she was 5 years old, so her mother had to raise three daughters on her own.

Fortunately, her grandmother was able to move in with them to help look after them.

Move in with them to help look after them.

So she was very grateful to her grandma.

She was very studious---

She completed junior high school which was not an easy thing in those days.

After graduating from junior high school she started working as a government clerk.

When her grandma fell ill, she took on the responsibility of looking after her while also working at the same time.

On her deathbed, her grandma said to her:

"You're a good girl"

"You'll find a good husband"

If you have the means, give to charity.

Ever since then, she has kept.

This thought of doing good constantly in her mind.

(In 1990)

A Tzu Chi commissioner went to her workplace to share with them about Tzu Chi and to recruit donating members.

That's how she became a donating member.

At the time, our hospital in Hualien was already built but she knew there was still much to be done.

So, she began dedicating herself to Tzu Chi's work, and her goal was to make a donation of NT$1m (over US$30,000) to Tzu Chi.

She not only wanted to donate NT$1m herself.

She also resolved to recruit more living bodhisattvas.

(and hoped more people could also)

(make a big donation to Tzu Chi)

Having such a wish, she started working very diligently to fulfill it.

Besides going to work every day she worked hard to recruit donating members, etc for Tzu Chi.

After she retired, (she wanted to use her retirement pension to)

(quickly fulfill her wish of donating NT$1m)

However, because her daughter wanted to provide her and her husband with a comfortable place to retire in their later life her daughter bought an apartment for them in a very nice area.

The place cost quite a lot.

Originally she had planned on using her retirement pension to donate NT$1m to Tzu Chi but she couldn't bear to let her daughter shoulder such a heavy financial burden.

So she took out her and her husband's savings to finance the purchase of the apartment.

But her determination to donate NT$1m didn't waver.

While I was sweeping the sidewalk outside and thinking of Master, I said to the heavens.

If I can find a job, I'll donate NT$1m.

Three days later, someone asked me:

"Mrs. Lin,"

"can you be our building superintendent?"

I thought to myself, "Truly,"

"where there is a will, there is a way"

With there being so many apartments in the building, her work as a superintendent truly isn't easy.

Not only does she have to sort out the mail, She also has to sweep & mop the entire building.

While she was cleaning the building she noticed there were many recyclables among the garbage.

Wherever she goes, she forms good affinities with people.

She is always saying "thank you" and is always willing to help others.

So, many people like her.

In her neighborhood, including the building she lives in, over 300 families make monthly donations to Tzu Chi.

So, people say that the building she lives in can actually be called the "Great Love Building" because every family in the building is so happy and harmonious.

There is a Mr. Wen who lives in the building across from theirs Mr. Wen is Tzu Chi's donating member.

Seeing how happy Ying-li is every day and that her family is pretty well-off.

(and she has retired form work)

Mr. Wen asked her why she wanted to work as a superintendent.

Ying-li didn't explain but only said that running up and down the building gives her the opportunity to exercise more which is good for her health.

Mr. Wen later learned that she was working so hard because she wanted to donate NT$1m to Tzu Chi.

So, one day, he said to her

"Do you think Master would be interested in"

"a small plot of land that I have in Keelung?"

"Do you think it'd be useful to Tzu Chi?"

Actually, we truly need a gathering place in Keelung, as there are many commissioners there.

They all dedicate themselves so joyfully.

But it's a pity that we don't have a permanent place of our own for our volunteers to set up a recycling station and to have a gathering place.

(to hold Tzu Chi activities)

So, we've been hoping for a piece of land that is large, level, and in an area that people could commute to more safely.

The land that Mr. Wen donated to us is right by the side of a public road.

(where transportation is very convenient)

Seeing that, I'm very happy.

A few days ago, our commissioners and Tzu Cheng members from Keelung came back to tell me that construction on that land will begin soon.

So Tzu Chi will soon have a home in Keelung.

So, they came back to vow to me that in order to repay all Tzu Chi volunteers as well as Mr. Wen, who had donated this piece of land.

They'll work hard to carry out Tzu Chi's missions so that this piece of land can be fully utilized to inspire more living bodhisattvas to create a pureland upon Earth.

So, it was owing to Ying-li that this piece of land was donated to us because her genuine sincerity her selfless Great Love and her virtue (had so moved others)

She is truly praiseworthy and admirable.

I'm truly very grateful to her.

What moves me even more is how she knows to cherish time very carefully and is also very diligent.

On the day that she had arranged to be interviewed by Da Ai TV her son thought that seeing as she was going to be interviewed that day.

They should set off a little earlier.

She said, "That won't do"

"I must finish watching Wisdom at Dawn"

"which starts at 8 a.m."

So, every day, she makes sure to watch Wisdom at Dawn.

See, that's how respectful she is toward the Dharma.

She truly respects the Dharma and me.

(so she is earnest in learning the Dharma)

(and my teachings)

(and truly lives out the teachings)

(by walking the Bodhisattva Path in)

(the community, while keeping a Buddha's heart)

Don't you think she is truly an exemplar of character and virtue?

She truly works very diligently for the greater good.

She has formed very good affinities with all her neighbors.

She is both a recycling volunteer and a commissioner.

Her dedication is truly very moving.

All in all, we should truly be grateful for her contributions.

Actually, we should be grateful every day.

We should be grateful to all those who contribute without drawing attention to themselves.

See, be it sewer cleaners, street cleaners or road repair workers, etc……

No matter what work they do don't they all silently contribute their efforts to society?

So, we must harbor a heart of gratitude and respect towards them and give them our love.

If everyone can give of their love society would definitely be full of harmony and this would uplift all humanity.

Then, wouldn't our world become a pureland on Earth, filled with peace?

All in all, this all depends on everyone's heart and mind.

When people's hearts are pure our world will naturally become a pureland.










首播 每日19:45
重播 週一到週五
   09:48 11:45 15:15 23:00
重播 週六
   07:45 11:45 15:18 23:00
重播 週日
   02:45 07:45 11:45 23:00






2008-10-29 20:54:39






人間菩提英文版"刊登網站: http://master-dharma.blogspot.com/

Regards, Jenny
 Today's Jing Si Aphorisms:   The more we give, the more rounded we will feel.


今日靜思語:  人生為人群付出多少,就得多少踏實感
































































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