
970927人間菩提英文版 Spreading Love in Argentina

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As long as we have the will, no matter how difficult things are

(we'll be able to overcome them)

Look at Arentina's province of Santiago del Estero.

It's about 1,500 km(932 miles)away from the capital of Argentina.

Out of the 23 provinces in Argentina.

It is the poorest province.

To reach it from the capital requires roughly a 15-hour drive.

This is how far it is from the capital.

But Tzu Chi volunteers are not deterred by the long distance.

Beginning in 2006, our volunteers Dr. Gao and his wife, Liang-dai went to a village in this province to provide care and free medical treatment.

There is a doctor, Dr. Sambudio, who heads a hospital in that village.

He has a very loving heart.

He was originally from Paraguay.

Because his family was poor and Argentina provides free education, he came to Argentina to study medicine.

When hi was about to graduate, he expressed the wish to go to Africa to practice medicine in the poorest part of the world.

His professor told him:
"You don't need to go to Africa"

He said that the Argentine province of Santiago del Estero is very poor, almost as poor as places in Africa.

So, Dr. Sambudio came to this province to practice medicine.

The hospital he now heads is the only hospital in the area.

So, our volunteers contacted Dr. Sambudio, and he has agreed to let us hold free clinics at this hospital every 45 days.

In the beginning, for the first three free clinics we held there, Dr. Sambudio did not participate but only watched from the side to see how Tzu Chi volunteers go about the work.

Both he and his wife observed from the side.

They saw that when Tzu Chi doctors treat the patients,

(they also try to comfort the patients)

They would console them, give them love and care for them with gentleness and warmth.

Sometimes, Tzu Chi also gives out supplies and aid.

Some of the local children are not able to go to school or study under difficult situations and so, Tzu Chi volunteers would try to help.

Seeing the way Tzu Chi helped the local people, Dr. Sambudio and his wife were very touched.

Dr. Sambudio's wife helps out at a local school that is poor.

She kept on applying to the government to help repair this school.

Bu the government can only pay for the labor while the school would have to

Provide the building materials on its own.

Touched by Mrs. Sambudio's love for the students, Tzu Chi volunteers also offered their love and support by providing school supplies to the students and holding activities for them.

The local people are Catholics.

We see that our Tzu Chi volunteers teach the students Jing Si Aphorisms, teach them to speak good words, and guide them to be hardworking.

They also teach the parents about health and hygiene.

They also teach them Tzu Chi songs.

They would translate the good songs into Spanish.

(The people liked the songs)

They were also moved by the meaning of the lyrics.

Through the songs, they come to understand that Tzu Chi people love all the people in this world.

Tzu Chi people do not discriminate between religions or ethnicities.

Tzu Chi people have faith in people and believe that, through education, everyone can

Become a better person.

So, the people there were all very moved.

Although they are Catholics, they are able to work together with our Tzu Chi volunteers.

After a period of time, Dr. Sambudio's wife began taking part in the culinary work.

In the last year or so, she has been very dedicated to our volunteer work.

See, as long as we have love in our hearts, there's no obstacle or barrier.

I'm truly grateful to them.

There's another doctor, a female doctor, who lives in the capital of Argentina.

She also saw how Tzu Chi volunteers continually dedicate themselves to help the poor.

She's from Chile.

She was also from a poor family and had also come to Argentina to study medicine

because Argentina provides free college education.

She practices family medicine.

So, she also joined Tzu Chi's work.

She is not only a doctor, but also the host of a radio program.

When she learned about our relief effort in China and Myanmar, she also helped spread the word.

She's also a devout Catholic.

Yet she also participates in Tzu Chi activities, such as free clinic, aid distribution, etc.

She also helps promote the idea of saving money in a coin bank to help the poor.

Indeed, all it takes is one person to spread love.

(and now we see that)

(there are many local volunteers)

They've inspired young children to become volunteers.

When these young volunteers see our Tzu Chi volunteers, these children would want to show them the Jing Si Aphorisms they've learned.

You see, there's nothing we cannot accomplish in this world.

As long as we have love in our hearts, there won't be any obstacles.

No language obstacle. No racial obstacle. No religious obstacle.

We must have a broad heart.

Living on this land, on this planet, as long as we have the seed of love and can serve like the dew. We would have ways of helping them.

We would be able to (nourish the people)just like the dew, turning that semi-desert area into an oasis and making that impoverished place into a bountiful place.

As long as we can spread good seeds and can work as diligent farmer.

I believe there will be plenty of fruits to harvest on that land.

So, seeing that in such a poor place, there are so many people, of different religions willing to help the poor---

There are so many good people in this world.

As long as we can inspire people and then unite our strength, there will be hope (for the people in need.

I'm very grateful to Dr. Gao and his wife for going to Santiago del Estero Province and inspiring many local people there.

This is truly very moving.

There's a typhoon coming.

So, everyone, please be on high alert.

Be it at our hospitals or in any part of Taiwan.

Please don't disregard the typhoon warning just because the weather seems fine where you are.

We mustn't be this way.

We must be vigilant, humble, and pious.

The typhoon is really heading toward Taiwan.

We must believe in meteorology.

We must pay close attention to the weather report raise our guards, and be sincere and pious in preparing for the typhoon.







首播 每日19:45
重播 週一到週五
   09:48 11:45 15:15 23:00
重播 週六
   07:45 11:45 15:18 23:00
重播 週日
   02:45 07:45 11:45 23:00













Regards, Jenny


Today's Jing Si Aphorisms:    The first step on the path of Buddhism is to lessen our desires and be satisfied with what we have. Then our minds will relax and we will begin to gain wisdom.

今日靜思:學佛的第一步是要少欲知足, 使心靈安住. 智慧增長

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