
970925人間菩提英文版The Importance of Living in Harmony with the Earth


The Importance of Living in Harmony with the Earth 每日播出內容FLV 300K WMV 300K56K

The thought of a typhoon coming brings up fear.

Indeed, natural disasters are very powerful.

We often hear people say that man can overpower Nature.

Can we really?

Definitely not.

That is why we must hold Nature in reverence and live in peaceful coexistence & harmony with Nature.

We must love and care for it in our daily lives.

In doing so, we must also love and cherish ourselves.

To love and cherish ourselves we must first love others.

Such is Great Love.

When we have Great Love, such love will also encompass ourselves.

But if we only care about ourselves and do not love others around us, we will end up losing much more.

When disasters strike, see how so many people (put their own families aside)

(to care for those in greater need first)

Nevertheless, there are still people

(who took no heed of weather reports) and said:

"That's what weather reports usually say, but"

"doesn't everything turn out alright in the end?"

So, they would continue with their outing plans while ignoring the weather bureau's warnings and still going to the tourist spots as planned.

(where the natural landscape has been destroyed) due to man's overdeveloping it.

So, as time passes by, this land we live on becomes wounded all over and can no longer bear with such abuse.

That is why mountains collapse and mudslides occur leaving scenes of devastation everywhere.

All that happened in the twinkling of an eye.

Fortunately, there is a group of police officers safeguarding the land and the people with love.

They keep an eye on the conditions of mountains and pay close attention to weather reports in times of peace.

So, upon hearing about Typhoon Sinlaku's approach this group of police officers when everywhere to warm people about it and kept urging everyone to evacuate to safer areas.

In the morning of September 15, we helped evacuate nearly 400 people to Jingguang Villa and Guiyuantang Hotel higher up.

And by noon that day, as everyone knows, two hotels collapsed after the mudslides came down.

Over 50 people's lives were saved after my co-worker earnestly urged them to evacuate.

If it weren't for these police officers who possess the heart of bodhisattvas working earnestly to persuade people to evacuate, who knows how many more lives would have been lost and how many more families would be shattered because of the mudslides this time.

Though we see such serious damage done his time, should people rebuild everything in that area?

That's something people must think carefully about.

We must use wisdom and no longer harm the land for the sake of making profits.

Every time a disaster happens,

(we should learn the lesson it brings)

Among this group of police officers, several of them are members of our assn. of police officers and their families Chief Officer Guo only transferred to Renal of Nantou County eleven months ago and he has influenced many of his colleagues to become Tzu Chi's donating members.

Several of them have also joined our people officers' association.

So, when the landslides occurred (in Lushan of Nantou County,)

They gave up their days off work to dedicate themselves to the rescue work.

Several police officers did so out of their own accord.

For that, I am truly very grateful.

Chief Officer Guo listens to my talks, so he also knows to feel others' suffering as his very own.

He could not bear to see the residents of this mountain area suffering from such devastation so he willingly dedicated himself to helping to relieve the suffering of the people.

He could not bear to stay outside of the disaster area

(while people there needed help)

What these officers have done is truly admirable)

Moreover, there is an officer whose home was also buried by the landslides

After arranging for his wife and children to stay with relatives, he dedicated himself to the rescue work.

For several days in a row, these officers did not leave the disaster area.

Indeed, how they safeguard the land and its people with love is truly very admirable.

They truly are the guardians of the people.

Actually, our chief didn't ask us to come to work but we came of our own accord.

They do their utmost to carry out their duties and stand by their posts.

Of course, we hope that while working to protect the land and its people, these police officers can be safe too.

We also see our Tzu Chi volunteers.

Although it is still hard to travel there, a group of Tzu Chi volunteers have already gone into the disaster area to care for the people there, giving them comfort and finding out what help they may need.

See, they truly are living bodhisattvas.

Every time I see such heartwarming scenes I feel a deep sense of gratitude that cannot be expressed with words.

At the same time, I'd like to cal upon everyone to first love and respect themselves as only then will they be safe and sound and the land be left in peace.

So, at all times, we must take good care of our minds.

That is called self-respect.

To truly have self-respect for ourselves, we must abide by rules and precepts n our daily living.

When every one of us knows to respect ourselves   

(and does so every day)

(then everyone in society)

will have love and respect for one another.

and Mother Nature.

If everyone can do so,  

(the spirit of Great Love can be manifested)

By no means should we wait until disasters strike to give rise to love.

We mst harbor love every day, and take each step with love in our heart.

As I often remind everyone---walk gently so as not to hurt the earth.

That is what I'd like to share with everyone.

We must take each step very carefully.

For every movement and every action we take every word we say, every thought we give rise to and the direction of our life that we follow, shouldn't we do so with love and respect for everyone and everything around us?

Only when we have such love and respect are we truly loving and respecting Mother Nature and have true Great Love that is all-encompassing.

So, everyone, please be sincerely pious and on the alert

(There is another typhoon approaching)

Seeing its projected route, I'm very worried as it is moving toward the direction of Taiwan and very likely to affect us eventually.

I am truly very worried and concerned.

So, everyone, please stay on the alert.

There're things that worry and concern me everyday.

So, everyone, please always give of ourselves with love.


首播 每日19:45
重播 週一到週五
   09:48 11:45 15:15 23:00
重播 週六
   07:45 11:45 15:18 23:00
重播 週日
   02:45 07:45 11:45 23:00












Regards, Jenny


Today's Jing Si Aphorisms:    If we can reduce our desires, there is nothing really worth getting upset about.

今日靜思人生若能減低欲望, 生活上便沒有什麼值得計較

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