
970923人間菩提英文版Wholesome Programs Spreading the Dharma Far and Wide


Wholesome Programs Spreading the Dharma Far and Wide

For us in Taiwan, we must be grateful for being safe and sound as Typhoon Hagupit veered slightly to the west and only skirted Taiwan (but didn't make landfall)

For that, we must be grateful at all times.

We must also be grateful to all the people around us.

For example, Tzu Chi volunteers are always vigilant and on the alert as well as cautious and sincerely pious---

The day before yesterday, upon hearing about Typhoon Hagupits approach, our volunteers quickly began reminding everyone to take precautions against the typhoon,

and to be truly cautious and sincerely pious so that our sincere piety can reach all the guardian spirits in the heavens.

(By no means should we let down our guard)

So, I am truly grateful that Taiwan can be safe and sound this time.

However, at the same time, in India, we also see the worst floods in decades.

The monsoon rains have brought about severe flooding in India.

It is truly heartrending to see.

Spain has also been affected by flash floods.

Spain is a well developed country (in our world, there are)

(greatly differing lifestyles)

(and with the imbalance this creates,)

(our natural world also becomes imbalanced)

So, many disasters occur around the world affecting so many people.

That's why the Buddha wishes to spread the Dharma.

During the time of the Buddha, he expounded the Dharma in India for only 49 years. In such a short period, how far could the Dharma be spread given that India is so large?

Here is an example. One time, the Buddha traveled to a small city of 90,000 people.

Of the 90,000 people only a third of them had the opportunity to see the Buddha and hear his teachings.

That was 30,000 people.

Another 30,000 people did not get the chance to see the Buddha.

or directly hear him expound the Dharma.

They only indirectly heard others say:

"We heard the Buddha expound the Dharma"

"The Buddha taught us this and that"

So, they only heard Buddha's teachings indirectly.

The remaining 30,000 people were not even aware of the existence of the Buddha who had gained Enlightenment.

They weren't even aware that the Buddha had already arrived in their small city.

So, not only did they not see the Buddha but they didn't even hear of the Buddha.

Even in such a small city, it was already so difficult for all people there to see and hear the Buddha let alone all the people of India.

As India is so big, how far can the Buddha's teachings reach, especially back in those days when transportation was very inconvenient and messages were hard to pass on?

So, back then it was very hard to make the Buddha's teachings widespread.

Moreover, during the time of the Buddha, there were numerous religions in India over 90 of them. Given the many religions there with some of them being very powerful, it was very difficult to make the Buddha's teachings widespread.

That is why after the Buddha passed away, Buddhism soon became less and less widespread in India.

Rather, it was in China that Buddhism later flourished.

Thanks to several Dharma Masters in China who endured all kinds of hardship, went to India and brought Buddhist sutras back to China.

Today, we are able to have so many Buddhist sutras to read.

So, we're very blessed. Many sutras we have now were the result of the hard work of many Dharma Masters and lay practitioners who had translated the otherwise difficult-to-understand sutras into commonly used language.

Moreover, thanks to today's advanced technology,

Our Da Ai TV is able to spread such righteous teachings and principles to different parts of the world.

All it takes is only a few seconds---

As I am speaking here, (via satellite transmission,)

In only four seconds, people in may, many countries around the world.

Will be able to hear what I'm saying now.

Nowadays, computer technologies are very advanced as well.

In many countries around the world, as long as people download a software called IPTV web viewer, they'll be able to watch Da Ai TV programs online.

So, Da Ai TV programs truly serve to spread the values of humanity, correct faith, and Dharma.

It's like a stream that can cleanse the impurities of people's minds.

Take this gentleman in Malaysia for example.

He loved to go fishing and had many bad habits.

He used to tell me:

"You can tell me to quit any habit"

"but don't tell me to quit fishing"

After watching Da Ai Tv, he learned to repent.

It was only after watching Da Ai TV that he asid sorry to me for the first time.

(After watching Da Ai TV,) I completely changed my old ways.

I even quit my most beloved hobby, fishing.

I know I was wrong.

So, I need to gradually change my ways.

He's even quit the habit that's hardest for him to quit (fishing),

Because after watching Da Ai TV, he was able to take in what I said about the karmic law of cause and effect and how we should hold respect for all lives as the life of all living beings is very precious and so we shouldn't kill them.

Therefore, he quit his habit.

Think about it, now that he doesn't fish, the lives of the fish living in the water can be spared and (the fish can live in peace)

See how many lives are spared.

Even young children understand my teachings.

Hearing his teacher talk about eating vegetarian in kindergarten, this little boy became a vegetarian.

They watch Da Ai TVa at school. When he came home, he told me he no longer wanted to eat meat.

When he first told me that I ignored him. Then one day he said to me very angrily:

"Mommy, I've told you so many times."

"but you still give me meat to eat"

I was very surprised. I felt I mustn't continue what I was doing.

If I forced him to eat meat, I'd be creating bad karma.

So, in the end, I thought maybe we could give it a try.

So, we began to eat vegetarian.

Because of this child, his mother began to prepare vegetarian food for the family and also installed a set-top box through which they can watch Da Ai TV.

They also got their friends and relatives to install set-top boxes to watch Da Ai TV and listen to my teachings.

So, this time the CEO of Da Ai TV, Mr. Tang, also went to Singapore and Malaysia to attend the night galas for promoting Da Ai TV programs.

There were five gala nights in total.

(Many, many people came)

Everyone was very positive about Da Ai TV.

I hope that Da Ai TV can exert a positive influence and guide people towards correct principles.

Regarding correct principles, fishing, for example, is a deluded habit in that people are deluded in their enjoyment of it----

Though their hobby harms living creatures, they still insist on doing it.

This would be a deluded practice.

That gentleman was blinded by his own enjoyment in the activity.

Such are people's deluded ways.

But, Da Ai TV is able to correct people's mistaken viewpoints so that they know to

do the right things and become people with wisdom.

Doing what one shouldn't do is foolishness.

So, Da Ai TV is a stream of purity, serves as wholesome education, and spreads the Dharma around the world.

I'm truly very grateful to the mindfulness of all our staff in Da Ai TV.

I'm also very grateful to our volunteers who went abroad to share their stories with others.

All in all, this takes wisdom and perseverance.

For our bodhisattvas, if what they do can purify people's hearts and bring peace and harmony to society. They'd be very willing to make the effort.

So, they truly serve as a stream of purity, which, like a well-spring, continuously springs forth to purify people's mind.









Regards, Jenny


Today's Jing Si Aphorisms:  Be a tolerant person, and not a person who is tolerated.

  今日靜思做一個能包容的人, 不要做一個被包容的人

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