
971204人間菩提英文版Purifying Our Mind through Doing Good


寄件者: 思慧(Jenny_Wu) [mailto:giya_wu@hotmail.com]
寄件日期: 2008年12月6日 上午 12:48
收件者: '思慧(Jenny_Wu)'
主旨: 971204人間菩提英文版Purifying Our Mind through Doing Good

Purifying Our Mind through Doing Good 每日播出內容FLV 300K WMV 300K56K

"Most doctors would not take the risk to treat him because if the surgery failed, he might not live, or would be in a vegetative state or become paralyzed.

The worst case would be that he'd have to rely on a respirator for the rest of his life.

When I looked at this case, I did not just like at his X-rays.

What I saw in him was the fact that he is married and has a kid who is only two or three years old.

So, I thought to myself that if I didn't help him he probably would not be able to live very long.

So, I said to myself that as a doctor if there's anything I can do to help a patient.

I should do my best to do so."

Just now we heard the story of Dr. Chen and Mr. Wu.

Mr. Wu had been suffering greatly from the many symptoms caused by hemagioblastoma, a rare kind of tumor.

Later, he came to our hospital in Dalin to seek help from our neurosurgery department.

Thinking back to 8 years ago when our hospital in Dalin first opened at the time though we had a department for each medical field many departments only had one doctor including Dr. Chen's neurosurgery department.

My heart truly goes out to him.

He never took a single day off work for the first four years.

Just now we saw Dr. Chen onstage.

Though he is still fairly young his hair has already turned gray.

He truly has been working very hard.

Fortunately, in these past three or four years, more doctors have joined him in the neurosurgery department.

Nevertheless, he still works just as hard to safeguard lives.

See how carefully and boldly he performed surgery on Mr. Wu to save his life.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Chen for saving our entire family.

Otherwise…… Truly, no words can describe our suffering back then.

We also heard Mr. Wu's mother say that by saving her son.

Dr. Chen has saved her entire family.

Although Mr. Wu has not recovered fully everyone in his family has already been freed from their worries.

Medical practitioners can truly safeguard people's lives and health with love.

That's why they are called Great Healers.

When one person in the family is sick it causes distress and despair to the entire family.

If we can help to cure the sick and help every family member to be healthy in both body and mind, I'm sure that society as whole will be healthier

Dr. Chen also said that Mr. Wu's gradual recovery was due to the united efforts of the entire medical team.

Hearing that makes me admire them very much

Indeed, everyone must work in unity, harmony. mutual love, and concerted effort.

If all staff at the hospital can work united interact with one another harmoniously and treat each other with mutual love---

With many people pooling their strength together and working with one heart and mind they are making concerted efforts.

A group is formed from having more than three people and when all the people in the group work together with one heart and mind.

They will have great strength.

I'm truly very grateful for such teamwork.

We also saw our doctors performing the first tow merits from the Chapter "Ten Merits" in the Sutra of Innumerable Meanings, which said that all Dharma comes from the abode (mind) of Buddhas.

Indeed, all the Dharma that we come across including the knowledge and skills performed by our medical team and each department are all part of the Dharma.

The medical knowledge they possess and the skills they use to treat patients are the result of their mindfulness which comes from the Buddha-nature within.

That's why all Dharma comes from the abode (mind) of Buddhas.

Such is wisdom.

Every gesture of the sign language bears a meaning.

In Vajrayana Buddhism, they use many hand gestures to perform rituals.

That is like the sign language we perform.

In fact, every gesture and movement we make is expounding the Dharma to others and is the same as reciting Buddhist sutras.

So, each person must be sincerely pious.(as being pious allows us to learn the Dharma)

I'm very grateful for each day.

(that passes in peach and safefy)

One seed can give rise to innumerable seeds, and innumerable seeds originate from one seed---

This is the essence of the Sutra of Innumerable Meanings.

The sutra tells us that everyone can help to save this world.

Not only can you save people as doctors but you can also save the world.

The purpose of the Buddha's teachings is to purify the minds of people in this world.

Physical ailments can be seen and diagnosed and be treated with medicine.

Nature's laws make us go through the stages of birth, aging, illness, and death.

After we die, our body will disappear from the world.

But our spiritual ignorance and afflictions (will follow us life after life)

As we often say, when we die, we can bring nothing with us but our karma.

With everything we do in every second of the day be it giving rise to a though or speaking we are forming either good or bad affinities with others and creating either good or bad karma.

All the karma we have created will be stored in our eighth consciousness.

(the consciousness that stores all our karma)

We often speak of the soul.

After we pass away, the soul leaves our body.

Our consciousness is in a dreamlike state and in this state the force of our karma, be it good or bad will pull us toward (our next destination)

It is beyond our control.

(Everything we do creates karma)

Be it good or bad, a karmic seed is created: with each action we take and these seeds are stored in our eighth consciousness.

But, there is also the ninth consciousness.

This ninth consciousness is pure and clean.

Everyone possesses this untainted nature---

It is the Buddha-nature and it's where all the Dharma comes from.

Our true nature is like a clear, clean mirror.

But the defilements residing in our other consciousnesses that we've accumulated through our words and deeds will lead us to reincarnate life after life.

In all, the aim of learning Buddhism is to help us thoroughly cleanse away the defilements residing in our consciousness, cleansing each layer of consciousness, from the sixth to the seventh and the eighth consciousness so that the ninth consciousness which is pure and undefiled can manifest itself.

It's just like our eyes---

When the lens of our eyes become blurred and if it's not well treated our vision will still be blurry.

All in all, the Buddha-nature that is pure and clean resides inherently within everyone.

I hope that by using the analogy of the lens of our eyes you can better understand what I mean.

Indeed, Buddhism is about purifying our minds.

Only when people's minds are purified can the world be saved.

I earnestly hope that with every passing second we're accumulating good karma by saving the lives of numerous people thereby saving numerous families so that in our society everyone can be healthy physically and mentally and so there'll be peace and harmony in society.

May our sincere piety rid the world of disasters





首播 每日19:45
重播 週一到週五
   09:48 11:45 15:15 23:00
重播 週六
   07:45 11:45 15:18 23:00
重播 週日
   02:45 07:45 11:45 23:00





人間菩提英文版"刊登網站: http://master-dharma.blogspot.com/



Regards, Jenny
Today's Jing Si Aphorisms:   With faith, we will have unlimited strength. With selfless intentions, we will be showered with blesngs.

今日靜思語:心中有信, 願力無窮; 心中無私, 其福無量 

















































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